Wednesday, September 21, 2011

[CE] Fukushima - the worst nuclear disaster?

        We all know by now of the Japan earthquake and tsunami in March 2011. But what about the how much radiation from Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant leakage? Here’s the video clip for more information of Japan’s condition.

Experts say that the total amount of radiation leaked will exceed amounts released from Chernobyl, making Fukushima the worst nuclear disaster in history.

The fear of knowing that there is a risk of exposure from radiation could increase risk of illnesses such as cancer to even young innocent children. To those who could try to move away from exposure, cannot due to financial reasons. In hopes there is a method to reduce or to evacuate those who have a high risk in exposure or perhaps have some sort of protection from the radiation. We all are living in a slowly improving economy, so why not plan something?

          Also, in this situation, shouldn’t the government be involved? The government’s function is to serve for the people or at least provide protection, whether it’s from invaders or nuclear leakage. This is Japan’s responsibility to help restore order and peace for it’s population. Japan has suffered enough through it’s history, from the atomic bombs to WWII, and now an earthquake and tsunami. There should be at least be something to help alert and prevent exposure from radiation otherwise not only do the older generations will suffer, but the future generations to come. From what knowledge we gained over the years of cancer, I’m sure no one wants to undergo any treatment at such a young age and the risks of death are still high. All I know is complaining and I’m sure it’s much more difficult than it seems to resolve this situation, but my thoughts will always for Japan’s safety.

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