Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What are my current goals as a writer?

    As a writer, my goals are to improve my writing and for my readers to be well informed on my future topics. In the last quarter, I could have improved it by including more than just a mere summary like adding more of some other people's opinions on my topic. I think I could have added more detail on what I wrote about, more than what it seems. My blog's purpose was probably to inform and convince people to try whatever I had posted. For example, if you haven't heard or tried che (this is going to be a future blog post, so wait for it), you could read it and see whether or not if sounds good as the pictures are. If you are a type of person who usually tries new things, my posts are really great to read. It is also a great place to go to if you are interested in books or movies. I usually post some kind of book or movie I recently finished from class or from some random pick through the long aisles in the library. Overall, my posts are mainly for those who are interested in movies, books, or food. I originally wanted to try blogging about traveling, but since I haven't, that means I wasn't successful with the plan. However, I never thought I would make a game review, 2 game reviews! I don't play as much games as I did before, but I wasn't planning on blogging about games until I was addicted to it again. Luckily, it is not affecting my studies so I am not at the 'game addiction' group. Some of my other topics were kind of a desperate way to finish my blog, so I end up labeling it as 'random'. I feel embarrassed about it since I never intended in blogging about it until it was last minute.
    In the future, if I do continue with my blogs, my goal would be to actually (for once) add traveling such as my trip to Boston, Massachusetts or maybe to Miami, Florida. Or even Canada, since I am going this upcoming summer. Other than that, I would still like to continue my improvement in writing, especially my grammar. I am improving, but a slow rate. Even so, I am still improving, which is a good thing.
    Since I am talking about my goals for next year, I guess I will talk about my classes for next year as well. My plan was to take APUSH (Advanced Placement United States History)and AP Chemistry, English 3P, Physics P, Spanish 3, and Calculus P. I'm hoping my counselor will accept the fact that I want to take 2 science classes for next year. Personally, I was greatly disappointed when I didn't have a science class this year. I was planning on taking 4 years of science, but if I can make up this year with next year, I'm satisfied. Luckily, I know I can get into AP Chemistry because the teacher was also my Biology teacher and he approves, only I didn't get him to sign my paper....Other than that, the class I REALLY want to get into APUSH. History is my best subject, despite of how people think it's boring and seems pretty pointless to learn. However, I am not as enthusiastic for U.S. History as I am for World History. Either way, I know I can work hard, even if I have to stay for after school classes once a week. I'm pretty neutral with my other classes and I hope I won't overwork next year.

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