Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Twilight: Good Read?

     To those Twilight readers out there, I don't think you would really want to read this blog. So my topic would be about this thought:'Is Twilight that good since its so popular?' This thought came up ever since the first movie came out. In my opinion, I thought it might have a lot of action and humor along with this vampire-romance novel.
    To see whether or not I would actually read it before i watch the movie, I googled it, and it came out as...unoriginal. To be honest, I was disappointed. The thoughts of a possible action, humor, and romance vanished in seconds. I mean, the first novel was about about how a girl name Isabella or Bella moving from Arizona to Washington. Then, she befriends her new classmates and started getting attracted at this "mysterious" Edward. Later then, she finds out he's a vampire and their 'forbidden love' begins. This is my summary (pathetic I know) of this 'great' novel. I debated whether or not I should read the actual book in hopes of changing my mind of the book. I have never came across a novel I didn't like,until I read it. 
     It was one summer day when I decided to actually thought of the book again and decided to read 'it'. Luckily, there was one available in the main library and it took me 3 weeks. The results: I regret reading the book. How did this capture so many people's attention? And so much it turned into a movie? I tried to continue reading the next novel after that, New Moon. Once again, I was lucky that there was one available at the library. Result? Nothing. It took me 2 weeks to read the first two chapters. After that, I returned it, and never once went back to re-borrow the novel again. To those who want an actual (and proper) summary of the novel, here's the link to Wikipedia: Twilight Summary

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