Friday, February 26, 2010

Game Review: Final Fantasy X

     I have no idea WHY would I pick this topic, but most teenagers (especially the guys) play video games, right? Well I'll be more specific on the game I'm talking about: Final Fantasy X. Like movies, there are genres for videogames and for Final Fantasy X, this is a role-playing game, a.k.a RPG. What is a role-playing game? It is when the player takes a role of a character(s) in a fictional setting. It's like you are part of a story and a game at the same time! This was developed and published by Square (Square Enix) as the tenth title in the Final Fantasy series. It was released in 2001 for Sony's PlayStation 2 and was the first to include voice-acting.
    The game sets in a fantasy world named Spira, where the whole story's main purpose was to destroy a monster called "Sin". Sin is a 'creature' shrouded with water and was created because of the people's sins and the only way to end it was for the people's atonement for their sins from using machina weapons (machines) for war.The play character is Tidus, a blitzball (a fictional underwater sport) star who finds himself in Spira after his home city of Zanarkand is destroyed by Sin. During the game, Tidus, along with several others, aids the summoner Yuna on her pilgrimage (journey) to destroy Sin.
      I noticed there are a lot of similarities from the game compared to real life and ideas based on real life. For example, there are some different 'races' or tribes/clans in the game that can be distinguished by the their outlooks and a made-up religion called Yevon. There is also the 'atonement' that the people must do because of their use in machina for war. In real life, the atonement is like what we call "the Apocalypse" or "The Final Judgement" predicted because of people's evil acts. The underwater sport, blitzball, is also based on a real life sport, soccer (football) and handball. There is also a similar 'act' of genocide (not torturing people or keeping them captured, but were trying to get rid most of them) of people in the videogame called the Albed. The Yevon's people think that the Albed are the cause for Sin because they do not follow Yevon's teachings and they use machina, a forbidden act from Yevon's teachings. For that reason, they fought against Yevon and had to dispersed to other foreign islands because were being outnumbered with the people of Yevon. 
    Overall, I really enjoyed this game, despite the fact that its really old and all. It also features minigames and a way to power up your characters by using a "sphere grid". I loved the plot because it contains a bit of romance towards the two protagonists in the story. However, I wouldn't recommend this to anyone who doesn't like really complex games. With a fan reaction towards this amazing game, its sequel, Final Fantasy X-2, was released two years later in 2003.
        - Interested in this game? Here's a link: FFX

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